Home Oxygen Therapy

A human body inhales air into the lungs and diffuses it through membranes and into the blood. When certain medical conditions cause a decrease of oxygen in the blood it is necessary to provide the body with supplemental oxygen.

Supplemental Oxygen therapy is therefore needed to treat certain of these medical conditions such as COPD, that leave a patient with shortness of breath caused by the shortage of oxygen in the blood.

The first step to home oxygen therapy is to see your physician and get a prescription describing the level of oxygen required.

Assessment & Oxygen Equipment Recommendations

We review the patient information and work with the patient to determine the appropriate oxygen equipment they require. We will deliver the equipment and supplies to the patient’s home and assess the home environment to make sure it is safe to use the oxygen equipment. We will make recommendations to the family members and/or patient if needed and will demonstrate how to use the oxygen equipment.

Regular Visits by Respiratory Therapist

One of our Respiratory Therapists will be visiting every 6 – 8 weeks to assess the health of the patient and evaluate oxygen equipment performance. During these assessment visits any required supplies will be given to the patient as well.

At any point in time, if a patient has concerns about any of the oxygen equipment, an appointment can be made for a visit from one of our respiratory therapists.

A copy of each patient assessment is sent to the family physician.

Home Oxygen Therapy

We specialize in providing home oxygen assessments, care and equipment.

PEI Home Oxygen Program

The province of Prince Edward Island has a program in place called the Home Oxygen Program to help patients with the costs of home oxygen therapy.

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